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Understanding the Benefits of Celtic Salt for Migraines

  • 12 min read

Migraines can be debilitating, leaving many searching for effective, natural relief options. 

One such option gaining attention is salt, such as Celtic salt, known for its rich mineral content and distinct flavor.

But can this natural salt really help alleviate migraine symptoms?

While there are numerous possible treatments available for migraines, many people are becoming increasingly interested in holistic remedies that have fewer side effects.

Celtic salt, harvested from the coastal regions of France, is believed to contain trace minerals that could potentially support overall health, including neurological function.

In this article, we will explore the potential benefits of using Celtic salt, or other high mineral salts, such as stone salt and Himalayan salt, for migraine support, discussing its mineral composition, possible mechanisms of action, and how you might incorporate it into your diet.

We’ll also delve into existing research and anecdotal evidence surrounding its use, helping you make an informed decision about whether Celtic or other high mineral salt could be a valuable addition to your self-care regime.

Understanding the Role of Celtic Salt

Celtic sea salt is harvested from coastal regions of France, primarily in Brittany, from clay-lined salt ponds. 

It  is a special kind of salt as it is reported to contain many other minerals. Its appearance is moist, coarse, with a grayish color due to mineral-rich clay content.

These minerals can help our bodies stay healthy and hydrated. Knowing what's in Celtic salt can help us understand its benefits for our health.

Celtic sea salt is a bit different from regular table salt. It has a lower sodium chloride content than standard table salt.

Importantly, it is not processed much, does not contain additives (usually)  and it can contain up to  80 minerals, such as magnesium, calcium, and potassium, which are good for our health.

It tastes mild with a slightly briny flavor.

Mineral Composition of Celtic Salt

The minerals in Celtic sea salt are good for us. Some important ones are:

  • Magnesium: Supports muscle and nerve function, regulates blood sugar levels, and helps in energy production.
  • Calcium: Vital for bone health, muscle function, and blood clotting.
  • Potassium: Helps balance fluids in the body, supports proper muscle contractions, and maintains healthy blood pressure.
  • Iron: Essential for oxygen transport in the blood and energy metabolism.
  • Zinc: Supports the immune system, skin health, and wound healing.
  • Manganese: Important for bone formation, metabolism, and antioxidant function.
  • Sodium: Though lower in sodium than table salt, it still provides sodium for maintaining fluid balance and nerve function.

How Celtic Salt Benefits People Who Have Migraines

Celtic salt offers several potential benefits for individuals suffering from migraines, primarily due to its unique mineral composition and its effects on hydration and electrolyte balance.

  1. Mineral-Rich Composition: Celtic salt contains over 80 trace minerals, many of which play crucial roles in neurological function, energy metabolism and overall health. This diverse mineral profile may help address potential deficiencies that could contribute to migraine occurrences.
  2. Magnesium Boost: One of the potential  benefits of Celtic salt for migraine sufferers is its magnesium content. Magnesium deficiency has been linked to increased migraine frequency and severity. The magnesium in Celtic salt may support energy metabolism and 300 enzymes in the body need magnesium. It can help relax blood vessels and reduce neural excitability, which could have a positive impact on migraine.
  3. Electrolyte Balance: Celtic salt can help maintain proper electrolyte balance in the body. This balance is crucial for optimal nerve and muscle function. By promoting electrolyte homeostasis, Celtic salt may help reduce the likelihood of migraine triggers related to electrolyte imbalances.
  4. Improved Hydration: Dehydration is a known trigger for migraines. The mineral content in Celtic salt can enhance the body's ability to retain water, promoting better hydration. This improved hydration may help prevent dehydration-induced migraines and alleviate symptoms.
  5. Sodium-Potassium Balance: Celtic salt contains both sodium and potassium in a more balanced ratio compared to regular table salt. This balance is essential for proper cellular function and may help regulate blood pressure, potentially reducing migraine occurrences related to blood pressure fluctuations.

While these potential benefits are promising, it's important to note that individual responses to Celtic salt may vary.



Additional Information

Mineral-Rich Composition

Contains over 80 trace minerals crucial for neurological function and overall health

May help address mineral deficiencies linked to migraines

Magnesium Boost

High magnesium content may help relax blood vessels and reduce neural excitability

Studies have been testing magnesium supplementation in  migraine 

Electrolyte Balance

Helps maintain proper electrolyte balance, crucial for optimal nerve and muscle function

Imbalanced electrolytes can trigger migraines in some individuals

Improved Hydration

Mineral content enhances the body's ability to retain water

Dehydration is a known trigger for up to 1/3 of migraine sufferers

Sodium-Potassium Balance

Contains a more balanced ratio of sodium to potassium compared to table salt

This balance is crucial for cellular function and blood pressure regulation

Remember, some people might experience significant improvements in their migraine symptoms, while others may see little to no change.

As with any dietary change, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating Celtic salt as a migraine management strategy, especially for those with pre-existing health conditions or those on medication.

The Connection Between Sodium and Migraine Frequency

Studies show interesting facts about sodium and migraines, such as reducing sodium can make migraine worse

As well as an inverse relationship between sodium intake and migraine frequency - higher intake of sodium was associated with lower incidence of migraine.

Eating less salt might make migraines worse. But, too much salt can also cause problems.

It's important to know how much sodium we need. Generally speaking, salt cravings can be a good indicator whether we need more salt, but blood tests are certainly also recommended. 

The table below shows how different salts compare in their sodium content. 

Type of Salt

Sodium Content (mg) per 1/4 teaspoon

% Daily Value

Celtic Salt



Table Salt



Kosher Salt



Examining salt  intake might help manage migraine.

But, we need to carefully evaluate how much is ideal.

The Importance of Hydration in Managing Migraines

Hydration is key in managing migraines.

Dehydration often triggers migraines, making them worse and more frequent.

Drinking enough water can only help with preventing headaches, if enough minerals are added to the water. Staying hydrated is crucial for those who get migraines, with either mineralized water or adding minerals to a filtered water..

Dehydration as a Common Trigger

Many people don't realize how important staying hydrated is.Studies show that not drinking enough water can contribute to headaches and it is a known migraine trigger also.

Drinking enough mineralized water can help reduce these headaches, showing the importance of fluid intake.

When we lose water and minerals, it can cause imbalances that may trigger migraines. This highlights the need for good hydration for those who often get headaches.

How Celtic Salt Helps with Water Retention

Celtic salt helps with water retention, which is vital for staying hydrated.

Its special mix of minerals helps balance electrolytes, making it great for better hydration.

Adding Celtic salt to your diet can improve water retention, helping to prevent migraines.

Hydration Factors

Impact on Migraines


Increases headache frequency and  severity; common migraine trigger

Celtic Salt Intake

Supports water retention; balances electrolytes

Fluid Retention

Improves overall hydration

A Modern Alternative to Traditional Remedies

While Celtic salt offers potential benefits for migraine sufferers due to its mineral content, particularly magnesium, there are now more targeted and scientifically formulated options available.

One such alternative isMigraKet, a medical food specifically designed to address a metabolic root cause of migraine.

Key differences between MigraKet and Celtic salt:

  • Targeted formulation: Unlike Celtic salt's broad and low dose mineral spectrum, MigraKet contains a precise blend of higher dosed ingredients aimed at supporting brain metabolism and energy production.
  • Alternative fuel source: MigraKet includes bioactive ketone bodies (D-BHB), which provide a more efficient energy source for the brain than glucose.
  • Comprehensive nutrient mix: While Celtic salt may help with hydration and electrolyte balance, MigraKet does not only contain minerals, but goes further by providing:
    • 600mg of Magnesium
    • Riboflavin (vitamin B2)
    • Coenzyme Q10
    • L-carnitine
    • Other micronutrients and antioxidants

These ingredients have been studied in clinical trials for migraine support.

Addressing specific migraine needs:

  • MigraKet meets the unique nutritional and metabolic requirements of migraine sufferers that can't be achieved through simple dietary changes.
  • It offers the benefits of ketone bodies without the need for a strict ketogenic diet, which can be hard to maintain long-term.
  • The formula supports overall brain health and migraine management by targeting underlying metabolic dysfunctions.

While Celtic salt may offer some benefits, it doesn't provide the targeted, comprehensive approach that MigraKet does.

For those seeking a more modern, scientifically-backed approach to managing their migraines, MigraKet presents a promising alternative to traditional remedies.

Magnesium and Other Essential Minerals in Celtic Salt

Celtic salt contains minerals that are key for health, especially for migraine support. Magnesium and potassium are two minerals that help the nervous system and blood flow.

Knowing how these minerals work can help manage migraines better.

The Role of Magnesium in Migraine Aid

Studies show it canhave a positive impact on migraine management.

Magnesium plays a crucial role in brain health, for example by supporting neurotransmitter function, particularly aiding in the regulation ofglutamate andGABA, which are essential for excitability of the brain, which also plays a role in migraine.

In terms ofmetabolism, magnesium is involved in over 300 enzymatic reactions, including those related toenergy production, by activating ATP (the body's energy molecule).Suboptimal metabolism also plays an important role in migraine.

Magnesium also supportsglucose regulation and insulin sensitivity, which are vital for metabolic health. 

Additionally, magnesium helps reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, benefiting both the brain and metabolic processes.Oxidative stress also is known to play a role in migraine. 

By letting Celtic salt dissolve on the tongue and then drinking water, you can absorb more minerals. This could help manage migraines.

Potassium’s Impact on Nerve Function

Potassium is vital for nerve signals and muscle function.

Celtic salt also contains potassium, which is important for the brain. Keeping potassium levels right can help with brain function and hence potentially migraine.

The right balance of potassium and sodium is important.

On a Standard American diet the balance between sodium and potassium can be off. Using Celtic salt can add flavor and may help meet potassium needs.

Practical Uses of Celtic Salt for Migraine Support

Looking for ways to ease migraine management? Adding Celtic salt, or other salts rich in minerals, such as Himalayan or certain stone salts, to your diet might help.

This salt contains minerals that are good for you. Small changes in how you eat can make a big difference in how you feel.

Incorporating Celtic Salt into Your Diet

Start by using Celtic salt instead of regular processed table salt in your food.

This switch adds important nutrients like magnesium and potassium, while it does not contain certain unwanted additives, such as trickle aid or fluoride.

The minerals  and the absence of additives help your body work better, which in turn might help with migraine.

Some people think that not having enough of these minerals can contribute to migraines. So, using Celtic salt could be a smart move for your health.

Drinking Salt Water Solutions

Drinking a salt water solution seems to be another way to help with migraines. 

Mix ¼-½ teaspoon of Celtic salt, or a different mineral rich salt, with water and sip it, ideally at the first sign of a coming attack. 

This can help if you're dehydrated, which can make migraines worse.

Even though studies aren't clear on how well it works, many people find it helps right away.



Potential Benefits

Dietary Incorporation

Replace table salt with Celtic salt in your meals.

Increased essential mineral intake for migraine and brain health support.

Salt Water Solution

Sip mixed water with ¼-¼ teaspoon of Celtic salt.

May help reduce dehydration-linked migraine symptoms.

Precautions When Using Celtic Salt

Celtic salt may help with migraines, but use it carefully.

Too much sodium can be bad for your health, as it can contribute  to high blood pressure and heart disease. It's key to keep salt intake balanced, especially for migraine sufferers.

Potential Health Risks of Excessive Sodium Intake

Too much sodium can cause water retention, bloating, and weight gain. It also harms your heart over time.

If you use Celtic salt, watch your sodium intake closely. The American Heart Association warns that all salts, including Celtic sea salt, can be harmful if eaten too much. This goes for most substances, the dose makes the poison.

Individual Variation in Response to Salt

How people react to sodium is different for everyone. Some might find Celtic salt helps with migraines, while others might feel worse.

If you have migraines, keep track of how your body reacts to sodium changes. Always talk to a doctor before changing your diet a lot.

Comparing Celtic Salt to Other Salts

Celtic salt, like Himalayan and stone salt, retains its natural mineral content, unlike highly refined table salt. 

While Celtic salt is moist and gray, Himalayan salt is pink, and stone salt is clear or whitish. 

Table salt, by contrast, is bright white and finely ground due to extensive processing. 

Table salt also contains additives like anti-caking agents and is often iodized, while the others remain additive-free. 

Celtic, Himalayan, and stone salts are considered better for hydration, electrolyte balance, and migraine management, while table salt is not recommended for these purposes.

Type of Salt





Health Benefits

Stone Salt (Rock Salt)

Mined from underground salt deposits, remnants of ancient seas, found worldwide.

Large, translucent crystals with a whitish or clear appearance.

Primarily sodium chloride with trace minerals depending on the source.

Clean, pure salt flavor.

Valued for sodium content, may contain trace minerals, low in plastics (not from ocean), used for migraine management.

Himalayan Salt

Mined from the Khewra Salt Mine in Pakistan, in the foothills of the Himalayas.

Pink to reddish crystals due to iron oxide.

Predominantly sodium chloride, contains over 80 trace minerals, including iron, calcium, potassium, and magnesium.

Subtle, earthy flavor.

May improve hydration, provides essential minerals, low in plastics (not from ocean), used for migraine management.

Table Salt

Industrially processed from rock salt or seawater.

Bright white, fine granules due to refining.

Almost pure sodium chloride (97-99%) with added anti-caking agents, often iodized or containing fluoride.

Strong, sharp salt flavor.

Lacks trace minerals, highly processed with additives, not recommended for migraine management.

And here are key differences…


Stone Salt

Himalayan Salt

Table Salt

Mineral Content

Retains natural minerals.

Contains over 80 trace minerals.

Highly refined, minimal minerals.


Minimally processed.

Minimally processed.

Highly processed with additives.


Whitish or clear crystals.

Pink or reddish crystals.

Bright white, fine granules.

Health Benefits

May be used for migraines, low in plastics.

Hydration, minerals, migraine management, low in plastics.

Processed, lacks minerals, not for migraines.

Frequently Asked Questions

After exploring the benefits of Celtic salt for migraines, you might still have some questions.

In this section, we aim to clarify some of the most frequently asked questions regarding Celtic salt and its potential role in managing migraines.

How does the history of migraine treatment relate to the use of Celtic salt?

Throughout migraine history, natural remedies have played a significant role. While Celtic salt is a relatively recent addition, using minerals and salts for severe headaches dates back centuries.

Unlike modern pharmaceutical approaches, natural salts provide a holistic method that aligns with traditional practices while incorporating our current understanding of trace elements and beneficial minerals.

Can Celtic salt help with food cravings often associated with migraines?

Yes, Celtic salt may help reduce food cravings, particularly for salty foods, which are common during migraine episodes.

The mineral-rich composition of Celtic salt can help balance electrolytes and potentially satisfy cravings without resorting to processed foods.

This can be especially beneficial for those on low-sodium diets or attempting weight loss while managing migraine.

How does Celtic salt compare to pink salt or other unrefined salts for migraine relief?

While both Celtic salt and pink salt (like Himalayan salt) are unrefined and contain trace minerals, their compositions differ slightly.

Celtic salt typically has a higher moisture content and a different mineral profile. Both can be beneficial for migraines.

Is there a connection between adrenal fatigue and the effectiveness of Celtic salt for migraines?

Some health practitioners believe there's a link between adrenal fatigue and migraine. Celtic salt, with its rich mineral content, may support adrenal function by helping to balance electrolytes and blood pressure.

While more research is needed, some individuals with suspected adrenal fatigue report improvements in their migraine management when incorporating Celtic salt into their diet.

 How much Celtic salt should one consume per day for potential migraine benefits?

The optimal amount varies, but a general guideline is 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of Celtic salt when a migraine attack is starting, which provides about 480-960 milligrams of sodium.

This should be adjusted based on individual dietary sodium intake and health conditions. It's crucial to balance the potential benefits for migraine with overall sodium dietary recommendations, which typically suggest limiting intake to 2,300 mg of sodium or about 6 grams of salt per day, but individual needs can vary. 

Blood tests can give a good indication whether dietary intake needs to be adjusted and for many people salt cravings can be a good sign that more sodium might be needed.

Can dissolving Celtic salt in water enhance its effectiveness for migraines?

Dissolving Celtic salt in water, often referred to as sole water, is believed by some to increase mineral absorption.

Adding 1/4 teaspoon of Celtic salt to a glass of water can create a mineral-rich drink that may help with hydration and electrolyte balance.

Some migraine sufferers report that sipping this solution prior to an attack or even  throughout the day helps prevent or reduce the severity of migraine headaches.


Celtic salt emerges as an intriguing option for migraine management, bridging traditional remedies with modern nutritional science.

Its mineral profile, particularly magnesium, addresses some factors known to play a role in migraine such as hydration, electrolyte balance, and neural function.

While promising, the use of Celtic salt requires a balanced approach, considering individual health needs and potential risks associated with sodium intake.

The comparison with targeted potential solutions like MigraKet highlights the evolving nature of migraine care, emphasizing the potential importance of metabolic strategies.

Celtic salt's potential benefits reflect a growing interest in holistic approaches to health, integrating dietary interventions with conventional treatments.

Ultimately, Celtic salt, as well as some other high quality mineral rich salts, such as Himalayan or some stone salts represent a complementary tool in migraine management. Its effectiveness may vary among individuals, underscoring the need for personalized, medically-supervised approaches.

As research progresses, Celtic salt stands as a testament to the ongoing dialogue between traditional wisdom and contemporary health science in addressing the complex challenge of migraine.


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