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Fuel Your Brain. Master Migraine.

A daily brain ritual for better living

Experience for yourself the difference a medical brain food makes in powering your mind and elevating your wellness.

Doctor Approved

Clinically Tested Ingredients

Safe (Drug-Free)

How It Works

World’s #1 migraine medical food

Introducing your new brain ritual
Three simple steps to mastering migraine metabolically:



Mix to dissolve Brain Ritual in cold water (about 16 oz).



One glass twice daily*— morning and afternoon.



Nourish your brain with the food it needs.

On average, people start to experience a difference in their third week.

What Customers Are Saying

Honest reviews from people like you

Dr. Jaime Seeman

Holy smokes, it makes a wonder of difference for my ability to recover and fuction again.”

Dr. Ally Houston

I felt a migraine coming on this morning, had one sachet, and it went away."

Dr. Fume

Oh, it's so yummy! It’s like a smoothie, I like that!"

Patricia Daily - nutritionist

I recommended it, and I can't wait to hear from patients that have migraines."

Erinn (patient)

I don't normally do reviews, but I have to say that this really works!"

Pia (patient)

I've never had a product manage my migraines so dramatically"

Dr. Nasha Winters

Within 10–20 minutes, I completely forgot I had a headache coming on. My thoughts were clear, and I felt awake and revitalized."

Jacky Winston - nutritionist

I recommended it, and I can't wait to hear from patients that have migraines."

Dr. Shebani Sethi

I’ve seen the benefits of ketones and brain metabolism support in my patients."

Why Us?

It’s what’s inside that matters

Your science-based all-in-one formula

Bio-Active Ingredients

100% Vegan

Swiss Science

Made in the USA

Dairy Free

Keto Friendly

Gluten Free

No Artificial Flavors

The Science

How does Brain Ritual help?

Migraine is thought to be linked to your brain’s metabolism

Many migraine studies* have shown that migraine is often a consequence of brain energy definciency.

Brain Ritual provides energy, minerals, nutrients and antioxidants for your brain to overcome the energy deficiency.


Ketone Bodies and Amino Acids


Vitamins and Antioxidants


Minerals and Trace Minerals

Formulated to help master migraine
Brain Ritual is made with ketone bodies, vital nutrients and antioxidants that support the entire process of energy metabolism and through that, manage migraine. It tackles a cause of your migraine, not just the symptoms.
Complete Ingredient List

Ketone bodies are the brain’s preferred food source.

* See our Science Page for more details about the studies and complete information about Brain Ritual ingredients.

Brain Ritual® stands out due to its unique combination of features and addressing a root cause, rather than the pain.

  • It is a patented product, ensuring a novel approach not found in other migraine supplements or drugs.
  • Utilizing bio-active ingredients, Brain Ritual® offers enhanced efficacy in nourishing the brain and supporting energy metabolism.
  • Created by a former chronic migraine patient, it is designed with firsthand insight into the needs of migraine sufferers.
  • Unlike many migraine drugs, Brain Ritual® has no systemic side effects, making it a safer option for long-term use.
  • As a specialized migraine medical food, it goes beyond typical supplements by addressing specific nutritional deficiencies linked to migraine.
    It is backed by Swiss science, ensuring high standards of quality and efficacy.

These combined attributes make Brain Ritual® a superior and comprehensive choice for those seeking a different way to migraine management.

About Us

Our mission is to end needless suffering

Dr. Elena Gross, PhD
Founder & CEO Brain Ritual
Former chronic migraine sufferer
Oxford-trained neuroscientist

“We created Brain Ritual to help with a root cause of migraine, not the symptoms. Our all-in-one formula is science-based with drug-free bioactive ingredients.”

Team image

Our Principles

Redefining brain health

Our brains are central to our health. To take care of them, we must redefine
how we view and approach brain health conditions.

In our fast-paced world, our brains are functioning at higher capacities than ever before and often with
less nutrients—both on a macro- and micronutrient level. For us, redefining brain health means studying
possible root causes of brain conditions and addressing the management of conditions with nutrition.
Our goal is to help the brain function optimally in a natural way without the harsh side effects of drugs.

Help thy fellow migraine sufferer

We understand the physical, social, and emotional toll that migraine can
cause. Migraine is more than a headache.

It can lead to social isolation and a feeling of loss of control over one’s own lifestyle. It takes empathy,
emotional support and a community of caring people to help you regain the strength to live your life the
way you want. We have built and are growing a strong community to help migraine sufferers accept
the presence of this neurological condition while confidently taking steps to minimize the occurrence of
migraine attacks.

High quality standards

We are scientists with exceptionally high Swiss quality standards based on
state-of-the-art research.

  • We use the highest quality ingredients on the market when developing our formulations.
  • We carefully select partners who use state-of-the-art manufacturing processes.
  • We value top notch customer service and are committed to providing a positive product experience


Quick answers to common questions about Brain Ritual Whether you’re curious about how Brain Ritual works, its ingredients, or how to use it, we’ve got you covered.

Who is it for?

Brain Ritual exists to finally address a root cause of migraine, rather than just the symptom of pain. It’s for any migraine patient where metabolism is suboptimal, with a focus on medium to higher-frequency migraine  (>5 days monthy). Low frequency migraine patients can also use it, but may need less than the recommended dose.

Will it work for me?

When used as directed, our data on 123 migraine patients*  indicates it works for roughly 40%+ higher frequency or chronic migraine patients. If your migraines are a result of not getting your brain the food and energy it needs, then Brain Ritual is for you. We have many success stories of users stating that when taking Brain Ritual 2x daily they no longer experience migraines, but results will vary from person to person. If, however, your headaches are triggered only by menstrual cycles, then it’s less likely Brain Ritual is best to serve you.
*data from online survey on 123 migraine patients taking Brain Ritual for 8 weeks compared to a 4 week baseline

How long before I see results?

Most people experience results within 3 weeks. Hence, why we offer a single box for trail purposes. The medical food takes time to give your brain the fuel and energy it needs and we often hear that week 3 is when the difference is most noticeable. However, everyone is unique, and some users of Brain Ritual say it worked for them the same day and others a few months later. 

How long do I have to take it?

Brain Ritual is designed to support your metabolism and address your nutritional needs and can and should be taken long-term. You might be able to reduce the dose over time as your body adapts and reserves are filled up, everyone is different here.

Why is it so expensive?

What price would you pay to make your migraines go away?  Brain Ritual is not cheap, not to make (requires the best sourced ingredients for our formula) nor to validate via science (clinical testing on ingredients, etc). We have not compromised our integrity so we could offer you the best we can. 

Is it covered by insurance?

Unfortunately, not yet. We are trying our best to make that happen one day, but anything that is not strictly pharmaceutical has a harder path here. You can speak to your physician about a certificate of medical necessity, which would allow you to reimburse it out of your HSA or FSA account.

How is it different from everything else?

Brain Ritual is neither a supplement nor a drug–as a medical food, it is the best of both worlds, a product specifically formulated to meet the nutritional requirements of migraine patients. What does that mean? 1) Do no harm 2) Let food be thy medicine.
Unlike most supplements, we use only bioactive ingredients which can be absorbed and used by your body without the need for activation or breakdown and many of our ingredients have been clinically tested in migraine. Unlike drugs, Brain Ritual contains only ingredients which are generally considered safe, without major side effects.


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